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Enhancing the Way Universities Manage their Facilities

All too often, large management consulting firms are more focused on implementing a template of what they envision as the ideal organization. These templates although based on solid management principles often overlook the fundamentals of facilities management. The reason for this is that the bulk of experience upon which these models are based were developed for non-facilities organizations. These "ideal" solutions overlook years of iterative design for processes and organizational structures that have met the needs of the institution.

Huge change management efforts are required to execute the templates that were originally developed for other white-collar industries, these large complex change efforts regularly do not live up to the promise originally contemplated. The end results are often disenfranchised workforces, poor performance, higher costs than expected and failed change management efforts that are costly and ultimately less or no more effective than the original state.

Our Engaging Approach

True North FMC consultants utilize a grassroots methodology designed to engage those performing the work in interactive planning that includes all stakeholders and a process improvement methodology. Combined with classical management principles, this leads to logical solutions and recommendations that the greater part of the service team can support and implement.

Understanding the dynamics of change management allows for a better paradigm, which can be achieved using continuous improvement and strategic planning.

On the Job Meeting, Professor Writing Equations

Organizational Reviews

  • Malcolm Baldridge Approach to Reviews
  • Scalable for Determination of Specific Goals
  • Whole or Partial Review of Facilities Management Performance
  • Particular Emphasis on Efficient & Effective Operation Using Advanced Facilities Maintenance Management Methods
  • Development of Effective Organizational Structures
  • Make Verses Buy Decisions (Including Outsourcing)

Turnarounds & Interim Leadership

  • Interim Leadership During Times of Transition or Turnover of Key Personnel
  • Advisory Services to Senior Management
  • Advisory Support or Direct Supervision of Turnaround Efforts for Low-Performing Organizations
  • Outsourcing Support If Needed

Expert Witness

  • Maintenance Management
  • Custodial Management
  • Construction Management

Long Term Planning Support within Facilities Arena

  • Strategic Business Planning
  • Total Cost of Ownership